might be abused and then it may warp the mind of its viewers,
especially those young once, who are sensitive to every kind of
impression. But if it is properly used, it may lead to the enhancement
of human life itself. We should try by means of this great mode of
communication, which has such as an immediate impact on the minds of
people who view it, to to enable them to cost off super station, to
emancipate their mind from any kind of narrowness, combat every kind of
false idea which has taken lodgement in the minds of these people. It is
therefore great means of education. We should use it for that purpose
and it is my earnests hope that the television will be employed in this
country for the good purpose of improving the quality of our men and
women and not for making them shoddy and sloven.
we should use
documentaries, short plays, films, abridgments of classics, so that
the student do not get in schools and college might be provided for them
when they view the television. That is what is necessary. I think under
paper management, it may be regarded as one of the highest mode of mass
communication. You have three sight hearing, Pictures, Music - all
these things mixed together.
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